Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to Buy Cars and Save Money on Gas

Here are more ways you can take your car and save money on gasoline.

71. Instead of property by a car, auto parts by a group of rental car for one hour at a time.

72. If you have a job, you can do at home, to see if your company agrees to telework.

73. Other options for working with your employer allows you to schedule travel during peak periods.

74. Four of the ten hours of work per week as May that things point to your business, helping to drive less and avoid peak hours.

75. Come to their work (assuming that youâ € ™ 's looking for a new place to live anyway, of course).

76. Create a list of entities and combined with a so far to travel.

77. Just try to make a large supermarket shopping each week, if you need to do more each week and near the foot or bicycle, leave the car at home.

78. Leaving the committee are relatively close together, to walk between them instead of parking and return to his car.

79. Speaking of the park, plus first place to find and his envoys, youâ € ™ re loss of gas going around and around the terminal just to save you a number of measures.

80. Park facing forward, where possible, invest more gas.

81. Make extra money. You may have to get a second job!

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